Beth Eggleston: Co-founder, Humanitarian Advisory Group

“We make assumptions all the time about how people must think or feel.”

Beth Eggleston has spent years contributing to the humanitarian space. She’s worked in places like Afghanistan and Liberia in humanitarian co-ordinator roles for INGO’s and UN agencies.

Co-author of publications on the protection of humanitarian personnel, and the role of women in countering violent extremism, Beth is also currently Australia’s representative on the NATO Civil Society Advisory Panel on Women, Peace and Security.

“Can you imagine being a humanitarian co-ordinator in Gaza or Sudan right now? These are people that have to take in incomplete information and make life and death decisions.”

In 2012, Beth co-founded Humanitarian Advisory Group, a think tank in Australia, which aims to challenge the status quo of humanitarian aid and support the sector to provide better outcomes for people affected by crisis and disasters.

“We don’t have a choice but to hope.”

Watch the episode to hear about:

  • The importance of civil-military coordination in humanitarian work

  • The challenges of navigating bureaucracy in fast-paced crises

  • Hope and optimism in bleak times

  • What great humanitarian leadership really looks like

  • Why UK charities and international NGOs should collaborate more

  • How to look after yourself in high-pressure roles even if you’ve run out of essential oils

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Dr Natalie Roberts: Executive Director, Médecins Sans Frontières


Matt Downie: CEO, Crisis